The FSRU Independence has departed for a drydock inspection
2024-05-02 | Company news
In December this year, KN Energies (KN) will become the owner of the floating storage and regasification unit (FSRU) Independence. Prior to taking ownership of the vessel, an inspection and repair of the vessel in the dry dock was planned, to which Independence departed today.
Scheduled inspections and repairs are carried out annually, but no drydock inspection has been conducted to date.
During the inspection of Independence in the dry dock, it is primarily planned to renew the anti-corrosion coating of the Independence hull, to perform other periodic maintenance works.
Since the size of the FSRU Independence requires a large dock, which is not available in Klaipėda, the vessel has been diverted to a repair and construction shipyard in Denmark.
It is estimated that the duration of voyage of Independence to and from the shipyard will take around one month. According to this information, FSRU Independence will not perform regasification until mid-June. During this period, Lithuania will be supplied with natural gas through the GIPL gas interconnection between Lithuania and Poland and from the Inčukalns natural gas storage in Latvia. Market participants and customers of the LNG terminal are informed about the scheduled timeline.